
Apple vil opkræve 27 procent for tredjepartsbetalinger

I øjeblikket opkræver Apple udviklere 30 procent for in-app-betalinger i sin app-butik, dette er den eneste måde, udviklere kan tage imod betaling i apps på nuværende tidspunkt.

Apple er blevet beordret til at tage alternative betalinger i Holland efter en nylig afgørelse fra de hollandske tilsynsmyndigheder. Nu har Apple afsløret, hvor meget de vil opkræve udviklere for disse alternative betalinger.

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Flere detaljer fra Apple nedenfor:

”Developers may have thought that they would be able to have considerably reduced fees if they are talking the payments themselves, this is not the case as Apple will charge developers in the Netherlands 27%. More details from Apple are below.

Consistent with the ACM’s order, dating apps that are granted an entitlement to link out or use a third-party in-app payment provider will pay Apple a commission on transactions. Apple will charge a 27% commission on the price paid by the user, net of value-added taxes. This is a reduced rate that excludes value related to payment processing and related activities. Developers will be responsible for the collection and remittance of any applicable taxes, such as the Netherlands’ value-added tax (VAT), for sales processed by a third-party payment provider.”

Det bliver interessant at se, hvad der sker, da disse betalinger vil blive betalt direkte til udviklere og ikke til Apple i Holland. Så udviklerne skal så betale Apple 27 % af det, de har solgt gennem appen.

Kilde & Billedrettigheder: MacRumors,

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